Covid 19/BMFA

By | 27th March 2020




Club Bulletin 247


BMFA Achievement Scheme
24 March at 09:31 ·
Image may contain: possible text that says ‘BMFA’
British Model Flying Association
24 March at 07:18 ·
Good morning.


Further to our statement yesterday, it is clear that the COVID-19 situation has developed very rapidly in the UK and we must now update our advice to reflect this.

Members should continue to keep themselves updated on current government and NHS advice. Please see…/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-res… for the latest information.

Members are advised to follow the precautions provided by the NHS at all times details of which you can find here:

The Government has introduced further restrictions yesterday evening (23/3/20) which severely limit the reasons why people can now leave their homes.

Model Flying in the club environment

It remains the case that in general terms model flying represents a low risk due to the predominantly outdoor nature of the activity and the opportunity to maintain inter-personal separation (a minimum separation of 2 metres is advised).

HOWEVER, the latest Government advice is that any form of group gathering (now defined as 2 or more people!) must be avoided and that everyone (no longer just those over 70 or with underlying health issues) should significantly limit their face-to-face interaction with others. We are also instructed to avoid all non-essential travel. Therefore, our advice is for members to STAY AT HOME and finish off that winter project or make an early start on next winter’s masterpiece.

BMFA Organised events, contests and roadshows

The BMFA is advising that all events and contests scheduled to take place in the next 12 weeks must be cancelled at this time.

Planning for the Power Nationals in August is continuing on the assumption that it will be going ahead, but this will be kept under review.

Should contest/event organisers wish to cancel/amend their entries on the BMFA Calendar, please contact the office or complete the online request form here:

BMFA Buckminster

All organised events at BMFA Buckminster have been cancelled for the next 12 weeks and will not resume until we receive advice from the Government that group gatherings can recommence safely.

The site will also be closed to visitors until further notice.

BMFA Office

The BMFA Office functions remain largely in operation as usual, though most of the staff are now working remotely and we regret that the Office is closed to visitors. Please use as the primary means of contact.

Important note:- We must advise members to follow Government/NHS guidance and stay at home wherever possible. Flying in isolation may still be possible, but group gatherings (2 or more people) must be avoided.

Time to get the building board out and STAY AT HOME!